Monday, September 30, 2013

Mailbox Monday

Picked up this little beauty yesterday - what a surprise as I was browsing our local bookstore! Couldn't pass it up. And the fact that I could share it here made it a must have purchase! The little door on the  mailbox opens and closes (even better) and it turns out it was on sale (lucky day). I know I'm a mail nerd (a title I wear with pride).

Looking forward to hanging my keys on here!

Sunday, September 29, 2013


     It's been a really eclectic mail week - stickers, thank you notes, quarters (for a young collector), post cards! It kind of fits the mood around here - little bit of this, little bit of that. We seem to be experiencing some summer days and some fall days - never know what to expect so trying to enjoy it all by getting out but also doing some crafty things too. I've even given good ol' Christmas a few moments of my time lately, although perhaps I should be focusing on Halloween (my daughter would like to be a robot - time to start building). Scattered I guess but in a good way.

     Thanksgiving (for us Canadians) is just around the corner. I've seen the usual Thanksgiving cards in the store which kind of makes me laugh - is it really a card sending holiday (I know, from me right?). But when you think about it perhaps Thanksgiving is the perfect card sending holiday. Maybe, more so than a lot of others. A good time to stop and think and perhaps count your blessings. And send off some thank you notes, some encouragement, some words of wisdom/advice and love to the people who make a difference in your life. Or those who need someone to make a difference in their lives. I'm sending out a few this year but I've also taken the change in seasons as a time to be more thankful and to let people know how important they are to me, to not keep compliments to myself (I'm always telling my husband "Oh, so and so looked so good today" and he inevitably says, "Did you tell them?" Okay, I'm sure I'm not the only person who does this), and to be a helper (a role I find myself filling a lot lately that seems to make sense to me).

Go out there and do good and be thankful!

Oh and I picked up the new Superman stamps! Yes, Canada Post has Superman stamps!

432/1000  as I add 8 to the rising count!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Mailbox Monday

An Art Deco beauty for you today. It conjures up old movie theatres, grand train stations and black tie affairs. Just a glance and I feel like I am in another era - a golden age perhaps. The details are so lovely and intricate - what a dream to find a special letter inside this beautiful mailbox (or letter box as it is labeled). Love.

Autumn has me thinking of my friends and family - near and far...more mail on the go soon.

424/1000 until I can get to the post office this week!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Oh Glorious Summer!

     We've been visiting a lot of places that we normally send mail too - so fun! I imagine I'm not the only one. We feel like we've had the one of the best summers of our lives over here - weather was great but really it was all about visiting friends and family and doing lots of things together - including camping with the kids for the first time!

Beautiful Summer Sunset in Wabasca, Alberta
One of our stops this summer - 16 hour drive (with kids - yikes!)
     My kids also had the chance to be in a wedding - flower girl (loved the dress and took her job very seriously) and ring bearer (at 18 months we weren't sure how this was going to go down - happy to say he nailed it).

Flower Girl

Ring Bearer

     And while we were enjoying summer (and trying not to be inside too much) the count has been working its way up with thank you letters, postcards, notes and a bunch of chain letters...wait, what? Okay, not a chain letter of old and not as nefarious as it is a sticker chain letter - totally fun for kids (had it sent my way and passed it on). I've seen a similar one with books instead of stickers (again, fun mail for kids).

Hopefully this gives you the idea!

     And I'm finally getting to the computer on a cool, September morning. Yep, it seems Fall is here. It was an amazing summer but Fall brings a lot of fun too!  Love the smell of the cool air and how it makes me want to cozy up in a sweater and drink tea on my back deck. Oh yes Fall, you have a place in my heart too. A great time to send your favourite tea/hot chocolate/coffee to a friend in the mail or take some fall photos and send them off to family (you know the ones where you are jumping into the leaf pile).

424/1000 added 15 to the count!

Mailbox? Monday

Okay, so this isn't exactly a mailbox but it is super cool and has a lot of the same attributes. 
Free Little Library - check out this page for an article all about it and lots of other cool examples of Free Little Libraries out there! I want to do this!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Mailbox Monday

8th Oldest Operating Post Office in Canada - Going Vintage Today!

This photo for Mailbox Monday comes from my friend Tracie! It's located in Barkerville and one of the oldest operating community mailboxes in Canada! Only 39 little boxes - a very exclusive club to be in. I love how there is a tiny little window in each box to see what treasures might lie inside. I love it!

Lots of mail going out - will tally it up in my next blog post! It's been a wonderful summer of travel, family, friends and life! More to come soon.